Saturday, June 22, 2019

New media communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

New media communication - Essay ExampleThe use of social media as a tool for marketing by tech delve marketers has enabled them to connect with both their loyal customers and their prospective customers in a cheap, efficient way. This paper shall look at the impact that the use of the social media platform has had on traditional marketing, and how it has changed communication among stakeholders within an organization.The advent of social media has brought about a revolution in corporate communication. This has transformed the way organizations conduct their public dealing methods in addition to bringing considerable change in these organizations interactions with their stakeholders. This avenue of communication continues to become popular among enthusiasts in all sectors, due to unlimited possible that it offers by its use.The use of social media has not reached its peak, especially in the business world. This is because business executives and employees in public relations depart ments in numerous organizations have been actually slow in adapting this method of communication. The increased scepticism surrounding the use of social media in communication has been a major contributor to its slow maturement in the business world. However, that phase of slow growth has since been passed, as more businesses take up social media as an essential part of their public relations and marketing tools (Ho & Kwamena, 2009, pg 23).It has become easier for companies to reach all its stakeholders with the advent of the internet and the social media platform. For the first time, it is imprudent to fly around the world to attend meetings with stakeholders. There are social media sites that allow for live video communication between people. Social media sites such as Skype allow company executives to communicate via video link without having to be in the same location at once. In addition to that, companies have

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